12.5 oz. Deco Glass Mug

  • Dishwasher Safe
  • Easy To Hold
  • Sturdy
  • Great For St. Patricks Day and Oktoberfest
Production Time: 10 Working Days
72 $7.20 each
144 $5.18 each
288 $4.87 each
576 $4.58 each
1008 $4.32 each
2016 $4.08 each
$47.50 each
Mugs are a great way to promote any event! This glass mug has a 12.5 oz. capacity and features a handle for ease of use. Ideal for promoting a new tavern, Grand Opening event or company luncheon! Featuring a practical design, this is the perfect promotional item in a variety of situations. Cheer on success with a customized mug!

Normal Production Time
10 Working Days


Additional Information
Imprint Dimensions
Single Color One Side: 2.25"W x 3.25"H
Single Color Wrap: 6.66"W x 3.25"H
Multicolor One Side: 2.00"W x 2.25"H
Multicolor Wrap: N/A

Pricing subject to change without notice at any time. Due to manufacturer conditions, please contact us to verify all ceramic pricing and availability at this time.

Copyright BGD Promo | A Division of Arch Promo Group. All rights reserved.