19 oz. Cachet Wine Glass

  • Stemware
  • Durable
  • Dishwasher safwe
Production Time: 10 Working Days
72 $6.83 each
144 $4.87 each
288 $4.77 each
576 $4.32 each
1008 $4.22 each
2016 $4.05 each
$47.50 each
Customize this tulip shaped white wine glass. This glass is a great alternative to popular stemmed and stemless drinkware with your business, restaurant, bar, or winery logo, The large bowl allows for a better aroma experience while using easy-to-hold stem. This glass helps improve the presentation and design of tables and dining rooms alike. Impress guests and clients with this prestigious stemware.

Normal Production Time
10 Working Days

Additional Information
Imprint Dimensions
Single Color One Side: 2.50"W x 2.00"H
Single Color Wrap: 10.304"W x 2.00"H
Multicolor One Side: 2.50"W x 2.00"H
Multicolor Wrap: 10.304"W x 2.00"H
Full Wrap Disclaimer: Approximately 1" gap will be present between the beginning and end of art if full imprint width is used for single color or multicolor.

Pricing subject to change without notice at any time. Due to manufacturer conditions, please contact us to verify all ceramic pricing and availability at this time.

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